Barbarians Versus Civilization
Barbarians on Defensive

Course Big Civilization
Session 3 Topics
Topic 1 Charlemagne Conquers Germany
Topic 2 Alfred the Great Holds Back Vikings
Topic 3 The Mings Take Back China
Topic 4 The Russians Conquer Siberia
Topic 5 American Natives Conquered
Other Sessions
One| |Two| ||Three| |Four| |Five| |Six| |Seven| |Eight| |Nine| |Ten
742 | China: Census Records 1,960,188 Persons |
768 | Noyan, France: Charlemagne Becomes King |
772 | NW Germany: Charlemagne Begins Invasions |
793 | Lindisfarne, England: First Viking Raid in Europe |
800 | Milan: Charlemagne Conquers Lombards |
800 | Vatican: Pope Crowns Charlemagne Roman Emperor |
800 | Milan: Charlemagne Conquers Lombards |
800 | Vatican: Pope Crowns Charlemagne Roman Emperor |
804 | Germany: Charlemagne Completes Conquest |
813 | China: Empire United |
813 | China: Empire United |
814 | Aachen: Charlemagne Died |
841 | Dublin: Vikings Found City |
844 | Spain: First Viking Raid There |
850 | Iceland: First Viking Settlers Arrive |
862 | Russia: Rurik Dynasty Begins |
870 | Balkans: Serbs Convert to Christianity |
871 | Winchester, England: Alfred the Great Begins Reign |
878 | Edington, England: Vikings Decisively Loose Battle |
900 | Normandy: Viking Settlers Arrive |
907 | Pressburg, Austria: Hungarian Barbarians Annihilated |
907 | Brittany: Vikings Overrun the Land |
911 | Rouen, France: Viking Leader Granted Normandy by King of France |
927 | London: England United Under First King, Aethelstan |
955 | Lechfeld: Otto I, Holy Roman Emperor Defeats Hungarians |
979 | China: Song Dynasty Reunites China |
985 | Greenland: Vikings Settlers Arrive |
1001 | Vinland: Vikings Attempt to Colonize |
1017 | London: Viking Lord Canute Coronated King of England |
1066 | Hastings: Viking Duke of Normandy Conquers England |
1091 | Sicily: Vikings Conquer Island |
1017 | London: Viking Lord Canute Coronated King of England |
1066 | Hastings: Viking Duke of Normandy Conquers England |
1091 | Sicily: Vikings Conquer Island |
1281 | Hakata Bay, Japan: Japanese Repulse Mongol Invaders |
1351 | China: Red Turban Rebellion Pushes Mongols Back |
1368 | China: Ming Dynasty Begins |
1480 | Moscow: Russia Independent of Golden Horde |
1580 | Sibir: Russians Begin Conquest of Siberia |
1584 | Moscow: Ivan the Terrible Begins Reign |
1778 | Siberia: Russians Complete Conquest |
1811 | Tippecanoe, Indiana: Privitol Battle of the Indian Wars |
- With the passage of time, improvements were made in the top two classes of human groups – societies and civilizations. The bottom class, tribes (hunter-gatherers), had increasing numbers of tribes leveling up to societies.
- Civilizations improved faster than the other classes. The later Roman Empire and Dark Age (500-1000) were an exception to this.
- The Dark Age was a decline in some civilizations.
More Information
From the History Moments Library
800 AD | Feudalism in France and England | William Stubbs |
900 AD | Christianity Comes to Scandinavia | Samuel Astley Dunham |