Autocrats Versus Democracy
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[Video Introduction of Session]

Course Big Civilization
Session 8 Topics
Topic 1 The English Civil War
Topic 2 The French Revolution
Topic 3 The Japanese Revolution
Topic 4 The Chinese Revolution
Topic 5 The Russian Revolution
Other Sessions
One| |Two| ||Three| |Four| |Five| |Six| |Seven| |Eight| |Nine| |Ten
1250 | London: House of Commons Began |
1543 | London: Henry VIII Makes Himself Head of the Church of England |
1641 | London: The End of the Star Chamber |
1642 | England: Civil War Begins |
1688 | England: Glorious Revolution Confirms Constitutional Monarchy |
1690 | Paris: Louis XIV Establishes Absolute Monarchy in France |
1755 | Geneva: Voltaire Arrives |
1783 | Paris: First Balloon Ascended |
1789 | Paris: Revolutionaries Stormed Bastille |
1792 | Valmy: Europe’s First Battle Against Republican France</ |
1793 | Paris: Murders of Louis XVI and Murat |
1793 | Vendee: Civil War in France |
1794 | France: Reign of Terror |
1796 | Piedmont: Napoleon’s First Campaign Begins |
1804 | Paris: Napoleon Coronated Emperor |
1840 | China: Britain Starts Opium War |
1854 | Tokyo Bay: Japan Reopens Relations With Outside World |
1867 | Japan: Meiji Restoration |
1894 | North Korea: First China-Japanese War Begins |
1897 | St. Petersburg: October Revolution Ousts Socialists |
1900 | Beijing: Boxer Rebellion Breaks Out |
1905 | Beijing: Republic Established |
1906 | St. Petersburg: Czar Grants Constitution Following Revolution of 1905 |
1907 | St. Petersburg: February Revolution Ousts Czar |
- Early civilizations needed strong leadership. They got that through what they knew: strong men.
- Rulers solidified their power by keeping government in their families (dynasties).
- They justified their rule by grounding their authority on God.
- In the West: The Divine Right of Kings
- In the East: The Mandate of Heaven
- Revolutions Against Monarchies Justified Their Actions by Either
- Relocating God’s Authority to the Rights of the People
- Limiting God’s Authority or Even Disregarding it Entirely
More Information
From the History Moments Library
YEAR TITLE AUTHOR(s) 1258 How The House of Commons Began
in EnglandJohn Lingard 1543 Henry VIII Makes Himself Head of
the Church of EnglandJohn R. Green 1755 Voltaire in Geneva John Morley
George W. Kitchin1783 First Balloon Ascension Hatton Turner YEAR TITLE AUTHOR(s) From Elsewhere
Constitutional Monarchy Absolute Monarchy