The Reformation
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[Video Introduction of Session]

Course The Century of the 1500’s
Session 2 Topics
Topic 1 The Popes
Topic 2 Martin Luther
Topic 3 Protestant Progress
Topic 4 Catholic Response
Topic 5 What Is Christianity?
Other Sessions
1506 | Kongo (Modern Congo): Catholics Adopted Kingdom’s State Religeon |
1517 | Wittenberg: Martin Luther Posts 95 Thesis to Cathedral Door |
1520 | The Vatican: Martin Luther Excommunicated |
1521 | Worms, Germany: Martin Luther Appears Alone Before Emperor and Diet |
1523 | Zurich: Debates Launches Ulrich Zwingli as a Protestant Leader |
1529 | Saxony, Germany: Martin Luther Writes “Large Catechism” of Protestant Doctrines |
1532 | London: Henry VIII Establishes Anglican Church |
1534 | Saxony, Germany: Martin Luther Finished Publishing His Translation of the Bible |
1537 | England: Tyndale’s Bible Published Posthumously |
1540 | Paris: Jesuits Founded |
1541 | Geneva: John Calvin Organizes City as Protestant Community |
1545 | Trent, Italy: Catholic Council Begins |
1546 | Indonesia: Francis Xavier Begins Missionary Work |
1552 | London: Archbishop of Canterbury Finishes “Book of Common Prayer” |
1559 | London: Act of Uniformity Establishes Church of England |
1562 | France: Wars of Religions Begin |
1568 | Transylvania, Hungary: Edict of Torda, The First Law of Freedom of Religion in the World |
1570 | The Vatican: Pope Pius V Excommunicates Elizabeth I; Calls For Rebellion Against Her |
1572 | Paris: Saint Bartholemew’s Day Massacre of Protestants |
1580 | Nagasaki, Japan: Jesuits Establish Control of City |
1598 | France: Wars of Religions End |
- The Catholic Church’s monopoly of Christianity in western Europe was broken.
- The idea of The Great Chain of Being was modified.
- The importance of The Bible was elevated.
More Information
From the History Moments Library
1048 | Holy Roman Emperor Takes Control of the Papacy | Ferdinand Gregorovius| |Joseph Darras |
1054 | Orthodox, Catholics Split | Henry F. Tozer| |Joseph Deharbe |
1066 | Battle of Hastings | Sir Edward Creasy |