Course to be taught in the future. Web pages to be completed later.
My description of the course goes here. 1 paragraph

How well do you know The Biggest Colonizing Decades 1600 to 1670? Take the quiz.
Session 1 1600 to 1610
Session 2 1610 to 1620
Session 3 1620 to 1630
Session 4 1630 to 1640
Session 5 1640 to 1650
Session 6 1650 to 1660
Session 7 1660 to 1670
Session 8 Elsewhere
Other Courses in This Series
1670-1740 France’s Biggest Decades
1740-1810 The Big Decades of Enlightenment and Revolution
1810-1880 Europe’s 7 Big Decades
1880-1950 The Decades of Biggest Change
1950-2020 The Most Recent Decades
More information on all of the sessions and topics of this course inside the buttons. These include videos, slides, and links to further information from my History Moments website, Wikipedia, and other sources. These greatly enhance the value of the Biggest Colonizing Decades course. A history of the world during this decades.