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[Video Introduction of Session]

Course The Ancient Centuries Before 400 BC
Session 8 Topics
Topic 1 Persia’s Empire
Topic 2 Greek Civilization
Topic 3 Persia Invades Greece
Topic 4 Greeks’ Civil War
Topic 5 Ancient’s Legacy
Other Sessions
500 | Uganda: Bantu Speaking People Migrate Here |
500 | Scandinavia: Enters Iron Age |
499 | Turkey: Greek Cities on West Coast Revolt Against Persians |
499 | Greece: War Versus Persia Begins |
495 | Rome: Temple to Mercury Built on Circus Maximus |
494 | Turkey: Persians Reconquer Greek Cities |
494 | Rome: Office of Tribune Established |
490 | Greece: Battle of Marathon Stops Persian Invasion |
487 | Athens: Archons Selected by Chance |
486 | China: First Part of Grand Canal Completed |
480 | India: First Buddhist Council Meets |
480 | Greece: Naval Battle of Salamas Turns Back Persians |
480 | Sicily: Syracuse Defeats Carthage |
479 | Greece: Battle of Plataea: Greeks Defeat Persians, Ending Persian War |
478 | China: Temple of Confucius Built at Qufu |
477 | Athens: Delian League Established |
474 | Italy: Syracuse Stops Etruscan Expansion South |
458 | Rome: Cincinnatus Dictator to Address Crisis; Resigns 16 Days Later |
458 | Athens: Aeschylus Writes Oresteia |
457 | Athens: Pericles Inaugurates Golden Age |
457 | Jerusalem: Persians Allow Jewish Govrnment |
451 | Rome: 12 Tablets Enacted; Foundation of Roman Law |
450 | Salamas Strait: Greek Fleet Repels Persian |
449 | Callias: Peace Treaty End Greek-Persian Wars |
449 | Greece: Herodotus Completes His History |
442 | Athens: Sophocles Writes Antigone |
440 | Athens: Democritus Proposes Existance of Atoms |
438 | Athens: Parthenon Completed |
431 | Greece: Peloponnesian War Begins |
430 | Athens: Sophocles Writes Oedipus Rex |
420 | Athens: Alcibiades Made General |
404 | Athens: Athens Looses Peloponnesian War to Sparta |
400 | Egypt: Successfully Revolts Against Persians |
400 | England: London Founded |
- Greece builds foundation of future cultural dominance.
- Greek-Persian Wars establish Greek military dominance.
- Peloponnesian Wars set up Macedon’s control over Greece in next century.
More Information
From the History Moments Library
490 | The Battle of Marathon | Sir Edward Shepherd Creasy |
480 | Battle of Thermopylae | Herodotus |
450 | Decemvirate In Rome | Henry G. Liddell |
444 | Pericles | Plutarch |
430 | The Great Plague at Athens | George Grote |
413 | Syracuse Defeats Athens | Sir Edward S. Creasy |