1500 to 1520
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[Video Introduction of Session]

Course The Century of the 1500’s
Session 3 Topics
Topic 1 Columbus and the Early Explorers
Topic 2 Henry VIII
Topic 3 France in Italy
Topic 4 The Columbian Exchange
Topic 5 The Atlantic Slave Trade
Other Sessions
1500 | Pinzon Discovers Brazil |
1500 | Hispaniola (Haiti & DR): Columbus Arrested and Returned to Spain |
1500 | Punjab Region, India: Sikh Religion Starts |
1501 | Persia: Safavids Unite Country |
1501 | Persia: Shia Sect Adopted |
1502 | Italy: Borgia Hires da Vinci, Military Engineer |
1502 | Caribbean: First African Slaves Arrive |
1502 | Sarai, Ural River: Crimea Ends Golden Horde |
1503 | Florence: da Vinci Begins Work on Mona Lisa |
1503 | Cerignola, Italy: First Battle Won by Guns |
1504 | Florence: Michelangelo Completes David Statue |
1504 | Sudan: Sultanate of Sennar Founded |
1504 | Spain: Columbus Returns From Last Voyage |
1504 | Spain: Queen Isabella Dies |
1505 | The Vatican: Michelangelo Begins Tomb of Julius II |
1505 | Java: First Muslim Kingdom Established |
1506 | Kongo (Modern Congo): Catholics Adopted Kingdom’s State Religeon |
1506 | Valladolid, Spain: Columbus Dies |
1507 | Hormuz and Muscat: Portuguese Seize Control of Persian Gulf Entrance |
1509 | Diu, India: Naval Battle Makes Portugal Dominant Power in Indian Ocean |
1510 | The Vatican: Raphael Paints “The School of Athens” |
1510 | Goa, India: Conquered by Portugal |
1511 | Malacca and Singapore: Portuguese Establish Spice Island Bases |
1512 | Vatican: Michelangelo Finishes Sistine Chapel |
1512 | Poland: Copernicus Writes Theory Sun Center of Solar System |
1513 | Florence: Machiavelli Writes “The Prince” |
1513 | Panama: Balboa Crosses to Pacific Ocean |
1515 | The Vatican: Michelangelo Completes Sistine Chapel’s Ceiling Art |
1515 | Turkey Mainland: Ottomans Drive Out Safavid Persia |
1517 | Wittenberg: Martin Luther Posts 95 Thesis to Cathedral Door |
1517 | Eastern Mediterranean: Ottomans Complete Conquest of Syria, Palestine, and Egypt |
1519 | Charles V Crowned Holy Roman Emperor |
1519 | East Coast Mexico: Cortez Begins Conquest |
1520 | The Vatican: Martin Luther Excommunicated |
1520 | Balingham, France: Summit Meeting Between Kings of France and England |
1520 | Istanbul: Suleiman Begins Reign |
More Information
From the History Moments Library
1048 | Holy Roman Emperor Takes Control of the Papacy | Ferdinand Gregorovius| |Joseph Darras |
1054 | Orthodox, Catholics Split | Henry F. Tozer| |Joseph Deharbe |
1066 | Battle of Hastings | Sir Edward Creasy |