2000 to 1400
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[Video Introduction of Session]

Course The Ancient Centuries Before 400 BC
Session 3 Topics
Topic 1 First Babylonian Empire
Topic 2 Egypt’s Isolation Ends
Topic 3 Earliest Jews
Topic 4 Earliest China
Topic 5 India’s Vedic Period
Other Sessions
2000 | Glass Invented |
1900 | Turkey: Hittite Empire Established |
1900 | Mesopotamia: End of Last Sumerian Dynasty |
1894 | Mesopotamia: First Babylonian Empire Begins |
1876 | Egypt: Jews Migrate Here |
1806 | Egypt: Hyksos (Sea Peoples) Begins Rule of Northern Part |
1800 | Babylon: Village Becomes City |
1800 | Central America: First Mayan Communities Begin |
1800 | India: Iron Age Begins |
1750 | Babylon: Hammurabi Dies |
1700 | China: Enters Bronze Age |
1700 | India: Indus Valley Civilization Ends |
1600 | Thera Island, Aegean Sea: Largest Volcanic Eruption in Recorded History |
1600 | Palestine: Egypt Dominates Canaan and Syria |
1600 | China: Second (Shang) Dynasty Begins |
1595 | Mesopotamia: Kassites Take Over Babylonian Empire |
1575 | Egypt: Nubia Sacks Egypt |
1550 | Egypt: New Kingdom Period Begins |
1550 | Egypt: Sea Peoples Defeated; Land Reunited |
1550 | Greece: Mycenae Dominates Region |
1520 | Sudan: Egypt Conquers Nubia |
1500 | Mexico: Olmec Society Begins |
1500 | Period of Egyptian Empire’s Greatest Extent |
1500 | India: Vedic Period Begins |
1500 | Athens: First King Begins Reign |
1457 | Palestine: Battle of Megiddo |
1450 | Crete: Minoan Culture Goes into Decline |
1430 | Turkey: Hittite Empire Begins |
1400 | Fertile Crescent: Moses Lived |
- Civilization spreads outward to new lands
- New peoples start their own civilizations
- Different civilizations interact with each other
More Information
From the History Moments Library
1754 | Code of Hammarubi | Hammarubi |
1600 | First Imperial Dynasty of China | Wolfram Eberhard |